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Help us build our 3rd Feeding Center

Each day, these kids from Namaso Village in Malawi, Africa, walk over this mountain to get to neighboring village Namakoma, where Imagine Africa has a feeding center. The total distance is around 2.5 miles, each way.


Imagine Africa's feeding centers are unique, in that they do not require registration. If you're hungry, and you can get the feeding center, you can eat. These kids heard about this and started coming over the mountain a few at a time. What started with a handful of kids turned into what you see here in the video. This day there were 249 kids from Namaso Village.


We wanted to document their journey to share with any who might be touched by what these kids endure on a daily basis to get a meal. Imagine Africa is currently raising funds to build their 3rd feeding center. This one will go in Namaso Village so these kids don't have to make this journey anymore. Once the goal of $15,000 is reached, the feeding center will be built and operational within 30 days.


For more information on how you can help please call, text, or email Shane Mast.


Click here to donate

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